Class D vans converted from Other Horseboxes

In 1943 the shortage of vans on the W.A.G.R. was acute and so some old horseboxes were converted in to D class vans. Twelve of these were on the N.Z.R. type underframe and are dealt with under that type of D van.

There were 5 others vans converted in 1943 however. Three of these were ex Metropolitan built horseboxes from the very early days. These were 5107, 5111 and 5113. In 1954 D5111 was written off and D5113 became JETTY 27 at Busselton. The remaining van, 5107, was written off in 1957. The other two vans were, at least notionally, ex GSR type horseboxes. The two involved were 5139 and 5141. In 1954 D5139 became JETTY 28 at Busselton and 5141 was written off as late as 1962.

The RHWA collection photo below shows Jetty 27 at Busselton. The number is just about visible on the underframe. It has a NZR type chassis so it might be a replacement for A5113 built on an ex Jetty stock NZR type underframe. The van to the right is Jetty 28 which appears identical.

The WAGR outline diagram covering the ex Horsebox conversions is shown below although this most probably relates to a van with a NZR type chassis.

Another view of the same pair of wagons, this time with Jetty 28 at the front.  This too appears to have a NZR type underframe although it's a bit harder to tell because of the angle of the photo. It may well be that both were effectively new builds on ex NZR type underframes retrieved from Jetty stock G or H wagons during the war.

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