Class P six-wheeled Brake vans (Class C and EE before 1900 and GSR class M)

In 1896 the W.A.G.R. inherited four 6-wheeled brake vans from the Great Southern Railway.

These vans had started out life in 1888 as four-wheelers identical to the M.R.W.A. brakevans.

They were numbered 1M-4M by the GSR. The rebuild to the longer 6 wheeled form was done at Albany workshops by the GSR but the dates are unknown.

When taken over by the W.A.G.R. in August 1897 they became C87-C90. In the 1900 reclassification list 88 and 90 are both listed as class EE. In 1900 they were given new numbers in the wagon series:

One of the GSR P vans at Fremantle - blown up from State Library of WA 5323B/2029

Old Number New wagon stock number Date renumbered Fate
C 87 P 5089 4/9/00 To Hopetoun January 1910. Written off July 1935.
C 88 P 5090 1/9/00 Workmen's van class DW in 1901. Preserved.
C 89 P 5091 15/12/00 To Hopetoun 1909. Reclassified ZP June 1936. Written off March 1943
C 90 P 5092 1/9/00 Workmen's van class DW in June 1936. Written off April 1959.

One of the GSR P vans at North Fremantle - blown up from State Library of WA BA1059/1227. Quite possibly the same van as above.

The two WAGR outline diagrams below show the original 4 wheel and later 6 wheel configurations of these GSR vans.

Other brake vans

The W.A.G.R.'s other brake vans can be found under Class Z. After 1936 the remaining four-wheeled vans were class ZP. In 1953 two experimental four-wheeled vans were built which were class ZF

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